Monday, November 25, 2013

Indigenous Group - The Buryats - Group 7

Background Information:

Approximately 500,000 Mongolian Buryats make up the largest indigenious group in Siberia. The Buryats are the major group of the Mongols. They are known for their nomadic-herding way of life and   date back past the 13th century.

Geographic Location:
An Inner-Asian ethno-linguistic group, the Mongolic people belong to the Buryat ethnic group that predominantly live as minorities in Northern-Asia, including Russia and China.

The specific origin of the Mongols language is unclear. They range from speaking Mongolian to Buryat  dialects or other forms of Russian or Mandarin Chinese as inter-ethnic languages.

Some values they hold rest in their religion, that of which being the Buddhism faith.

The traditional Mongol family was patriarchal - Wives would be brought for the sons and daughters would be married off to other clans.
The inheritance system was very much prevalent - The eldest son would receive part of the family livestock as he married resulting in the younger sons receiving much smaller portions.

1 comment:

  1. I learned a lot about the Buryat culture in doing this background information search. The cross-culture is evident in comparing this culture to my own. These basic facts and background information open up to introduce the culture to the audience and give a preview as to what is going to be addressed.

    "Buryat Culture." Buryats in Mongolia. Web. 26 Nov. 2013.


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